TechnoCrews Web Solutions towards The Future Sat, 19 Nov 2022 14:00:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 TechnoCrews 32 32 Top 10 Ways To Make Money Online As A Student Sun, 01 Aug 2021 12:12:28 +0000 Money, money, money! money is the choice of the rich! Making money is very easy; you don’t have to grow white hair before you get money, you start small and then progress to a millionaire. In this article, I will highlight the steps to make money online without stress. The money will just develop wings […]

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Money, money, money! money is the choice of the rich! Making money is very easy; you don’t have to grow white hair before you get money, you start small and then progress to a millionaire.

In this article, I will highlight the steps to make money online without stress. The money will just develop wings and fly into your account, so keep an eye out ha-ha!




As a student or as a low-income earner you could make money online by following the steps below;

Top 10 Ways to Make Millions as a Student

1) Web Search:

This has to be one of the easiest ways to make money online without really making any effort or change in your behavior. This innovative idea from rewards you for searching in Google, Bing, or Yahoo. You just install a simple add-on in your browser and when you do a search there may be some sponsored results in addition to your normal search. A cash reward is associated with each Qmee result. If you are interested in this, click on it and you will receive your reward. The best part is that there is no minimum to cash out – our first was just 72p connected to our Paypal account. You also have the option to donate it to charity.

2) Online Market Trading:

The historically hard-to-break world of investing in stock markets and currencies has opened wide. Today there is no need to be a fat cat or fund the hunts of the wolf of Wall Street-style stock brokers. You can do it all yourself using online trading platforms.

3) Start your own website:

Interested in generating passive income? You need a website. It’s THE way to make money while you sleep. Starting a website with Bluehost takes less than 20 minutes, costs next to nothing, and can be done by an 82-year-old. It only takes a little bit of social media plugging to get your first visitors, and there are plenty of ways to monetize your site. Save the Student is just one example of a successful website, started by Owen Burek, in his first year, which has since grown into a full-time and sizeable business.

4) Review Websites and Apps for Money: 

Looks like you’re pretty handy with a web browser, so maybe it’s time to turn pro and browse websites as a paid and fun job! Introducing – a new platform that pays ordinary people to review all kinds of websites. Each review takes about 20 minutes and costs $10 (£6.50) via Paypal. Sign up, complete a test review and look forward to receiving websites in your inbox.

5) Write and Publish a Kindle Ebook

If there is one thing students are good at, it is researching and writing. With the Amazon Kindle Storeanyone can publish an eBook and earn money and the Kindle app is now available on almost any device, so your global market is huge! List your book for £1.49 – £6.99 and you will earn 70% from the sale. Considering Amazon is the ultimate selling machine (and remember, people, are after spending), that’s a fantastic deal. Ray Payne has written a great ebook on How to make money online especially through ebook. You can check out his blog to find out more.


The concept is based on ‘internet crowd-sourcing, where companies advertise specific, scalable tasks that they need to complete quickly. And for us, it’s an easy way to make quick money from our bank. There are several tasks, but most of them are nonsensical data entry, web research, or form filling. You are rewarded and paid in cash (via Paypal) for the work you do, and you can choose what and when you work. Give it a chance. [If you’re based in the US, try Amazon’s ‘ Mechanical Turk ‘ as well].

7) Fiverr :

Fiver is now the world’s largest marketplace where people can make money by selling small services (aka “gigs”). What you offer can be anything from writing and translating, posting on social media, pranking, and teaching to creating music, voiceovers, and short video clips for people all over the world! The standard price is $5 (hence Fiverr..), but you can add extra services to gigs for more money. While it may not seem like much, it can add up quickly and there are plenty of examples of people making a really good living from the site. The key is to get a system in place that minimizes the time spent on each gig. But there’s another way to get even more from Fiverr for potentially a lot less work. How? By simply selling gigs elsewhere. For example, find a decent logo designer and then respond to jobs on Upwork or even local classifieds. A $5 spend can easily turn into $50+, and it’s repeatable! If you’re not interested in selling at all, there are SO many good things you can do for yourself. Take a look around and get inspired!

8) Buy and sell domain:

A domain name is simply a website address (eg ‘’ or ‘’) and there are many extensions (.com, .net,, etc.). They cost just £1.99 to register with or yet premium domain names can fetch £1,000 if not millions when resold. In 2007 went for a cool $35 million! Now you probably won’t come across anything like this, but you can still make a quick profit with a little searching. The trick is to find available domain names that have some commercial value, capture them, and then list them for sale on a site like

9) Freelance work:

You can freelancing and get paid daily for your efforts and the best thing about freelancing is that you can work for clients in the UK and around the world with just an internet connection from home, to your own hours while saving valuable develop skills. A great place to start is with the leading freelance site

10) Sell ​​Clothes on eBay:

This is a simple business for women, students, and even men. Here you just need to advertise and sell clothes on eBay or any other business platform like Jumia and get rewarded.

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Algorithm Video Tutorials for the Beginner Mon, 05 Dec 2016 09:31:05 +0000 http://localhost/technocrews/?p=3397 Hey Guys, This post is all about Algorithm, without it you can’t design efficient programs. Without it you can’t do well in your entire Computer Science and Information Technology course. If you want to participate contest link ACM ICPC, CodeJam or Topcoder SRM – You must know efficient algorithms to do extremely well in there. […]

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Hey Guys, This post is all about Algorithm, without it you can’t design efficient programs. Without it you can’t do well in your entire Computer Science and Information Technology course. If you want to participate contest link ACM ICPC, CodeJam or Topcoder SRM – You must know efficient algorithms to do extremely well in there. Here in this post I am going to share some of the well found resource around the internet to help you learn algorithm. I will share mostly videos as there is nothing better than visual learning. Don’t forget to bookmark this page or website as I am going to update this page whenever I find something interesting and great to learn. So let’s get started.

  • Follow the course “Introduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503)” By Prof. Charles Leiserson (If you know CLR he is the L of them!)Prof. Erik DemaineCourse Description:
    This course teaches techniques for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms, emphasizing methods useful in practice. Topics covered include: sorting; search trees, heaps, and hashing; divide-and-conquer; dynamic programming; amortized analysis; graph algorithms; shortest paths; network flow; computational geometry; number-theoretic algorithms; polynomial and matrix calculations; caching; and parallel computing.This course was also taught as part of the Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) programme as course number SMA 5503 (Analysis and Design of Algorithms).Here is the video link for the course.
  • Data Structures And Algorithms, IIT Delhi Course , Prof. Naveen GargCourse Description :Introduction, Stacks, Queues and Linked Lists, Dictionaries, Hashing, Tree Walks/Traversals, Deletion, Quick Sort, AVL Trees, Red Black Trees, Disk Based Data Structures, Priority Queues, Binary Heaps, Sorting, Graphs, Depth First Search(DFS) , Prims Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Trees and Dijkstras Algorithm.Here is the video link for the course.
  • Sorting Video Tutorials . Here is the link [mkdf_highlight background_color=”” color=”red”]More will be updated soon. Keep tuned![/mkdf_highlight]

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Image Sharing Actually Helps You to Monetize Your Blog Mon, 05 Dec 2016 09:30:04 +0000 http://localhost/technocrews/?p=3395 With the boosted obsession of image sharing and visuals on the social networking sites such as Flickr, Pinterest and Instagram, Twitter and Facebook photo, online photo sharing has become amusing and practical parts of blogging. Some of the few causes image sharing helps in monetizing blogs are given below. Attaching images are always suggested to […]

The post Image Sharing Actually Helps You to Monetize Your Blog appeared first on TechnoCrews.

With the boosted obsession of image sharing and visuals on the social networking sites such as Flickr, Pinterest and Instagram, Twitter and Facebook photo, online photo sharing has become amusing and practical parts of blogging. Some of the few causes image sharing helps in monetizing blogs are given below. Attaching images are always suggested to each blog post.

A photo can state plenty than words. It also assists bring in plenty of traffic.

Adding images to your blog

It can be regarded as the step by which people can get you without any difficulty and your blogs on the blogging sites. The search engines images index assists to make blogs searchable. Being available on Google, Snowboarder makes the image pop up. There you can get different and large number of images and it will directly take you to the site where that image must be placed if you click on one.

While uploading them, it is vital to regard the sizes of the image consequently it gets easier for the search engines for optimization. Make an appropriate image name and it ought to become visible below in the search results of the image. Make an image of size below 1200×1200 and above 100×100. Use possible image captions and certainly add an ALT Tag. Also make titles of the related keywords. These tags are handy in improving search engines for blogs.

Image helps in making blog memorable

An image plays a vital role in catching the attention of plenty of viewers. It is impossible for people to build a picture in their mind without an image. It assists people in recalling you and your work. Let’s say at the same moment you visited two sites. One website was abounding with informational articles without any video or an image. The other one had pictures at the top and perhaps it was having a logo as well. You can recall a few lines from the starting or dim information perhaps strike your mind when someone talks about the first websites. But when someone will talk about about the second websites you will readily recall the photo album and the logo contained in the starting of the article. Images are the keys to the doors for your articles.

Images also represent the messages of your blogs

This equally engages two different causes

1.  You must be attempting to present your followers all the time with the intellectual and fascinating experiences of reading if you are a professional blogger. When it is known to us that we able to teach people good through our writing mediums we feel good.

2. The second cause is that when people learn something good and fascinating they pass their experiences more to others what and how they learned. This outlook makes a feeling of keenness for sharing good quality content.

Images make blogs more interesting

If you include images, include color and create contrast, it will make your blog sites more gorgeous and attention-grabbing. Black and white colors can also make websites look cool. But people visiting your blogs perhaps skip to the others for 2 causes.

1. It can build a feeling “Booooring”. In this age where people use extremely interactive modes of presentations and dynamic content who will pay interest to the black and white themes. Nowadays people regard their time precious and don’t intend to spend too much on readings .They desire the things to naturally pop out of the web sites.

2. Though related and attractive images to your websites will not decrease the words amount but will add plenty more attractive components to your sites.

Images help in making search engines better

The web is abounded with millions of contents, bloggers post and websites. Webmasters always includes an image to a variety of images sharing sites such as Flickr photo sharing and photo buckets. To gain traffics to their sites these pictures are uploaded.

Extremely intricate algorithms are used by Search engines for the page rankings and a large part of this formula is associated to the density of the keywords and the number of extra media components which is tagged with it like videos and images. Hence images are also vital and are regarded as the best keywords for search engines.

The success of any blog never is ensured by just publishing and writing. There are other elements to that aid to bring the plenty of traffic. If the content is outstanding but your blog comes out boring and tedious than it is expected that people perhaps skip your blogs and switch to others. Hence it is suggested to add images, audios and videos to make your websites more interesting and appealing.

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Flushing Your DNS Mon, 05 Dec 2016 09:12:49 +0000 http://localhost/technocrews/?p=3357   In The operating System DNS is maintained and stored by the “DNS Cache”. Sometimes, for various reasons, the cache becomes corrupt or out of date, or to use a technical term: “messed up”. The symptoms vary, but the most common is that you can’t get to some web sites in your browser. At that […]

The post Flushing Your DNS appeared first on TechnoCrews.


In The operating System DNS is maintained and stored by the “DNS Cache”. Sometimes, for various reasons, the cache becomes corrupt or out of date, or to use a technical term: “messed up”. The symptoms vary, but the most common is that you can’t get to some web sites in your browser. At that time we need the DNS Flushing. Now I am just showing you how to do it in your computer OS. Below listed solutions are the way of DNS Flushing in different operating system.

This full article will be available at our old website linked here:

Please put your comment/query on this article so that we answer you promptly.

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Common Blogging Mistakes that Need to be Avoided Mon, 05 Dec 2016 09:10:48 +0000 http://localhost/technocrews/?p=3354 There is no issue whether you’re looking at an extra revenue flow for what you’ve got to sell by breeding more publicity or are just looking to boost your readership, you have to be certain the blogs you’re either writing yourself or hiring out for are the best they can be.   More at : […]

The post Common Blogging Mistakes that Need to be Avoided appeared first on TechnoCrews.

There is no issue whether you’re looking at an extra revenue flow for what you’ve got to sell by breeding more publicity or are just looking to boost your readership, you have to be certain the blogs you’re either writing yourself or hiring out for are the best they can be.


More at :

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Publish your Post from Microsoft Word to WordPress Directly! Mon, 05 Dec 2016 09:07:49 +0000 http://localhost/technocrews/?p=3339 I must say that Microsoft Word is a great tool to modify your blog posts and publish that on the website or in your blog. And it actually produces clean HTML also. Now if you like to use Word as a writing tool but then find it difficult to copy paste the whole article over […]

The post Publish your Post from Microsoft Word to WordPress Directly! appeared first on TechnoCrews.

I must say that Microsoft Word is a great tool to modify your blog posts and publish that on the website or in your blog. And it actually produces clean HTML also. Now if you like to use Word as a writing tool but then find it difficult to copy paste the whole article over to WordPress then this article might help you.

Why Bother using Word?

You get an offline editor that has fantastic spelling and grammar checking!


Setting up Word to publish was very easy and will work with Windows XP and Vista and it only takes a few dialogs to set it all up! Also, you can have more than one blog set up under multiple blog systems. The following are supported:

  • Windows Live Spaces
  • Blogger
  • SharePoint blog
  • Community Server
  • TypePad
  • WordPress
  • Other

Set Up

  1. To start, click the round Office button, Publish, then Blog.


        2.Since this is the first time were setting this up, click the Register Now button in the Register a Blog Accountdialog.


3.In the New Blog Account dialog, select WordPress from the drop down menu.


          4.In the New WordPress Account dialog, you get to fill in all of the important information. In the Blog Post URL, fill in your blog’s address; if you’ve installed WordPress somewhere other than your site’s root, then you need to specify that here. Say you’ve installed WordPress at: then the URL would be enter your username and password. These would be the values that you use to log into WordPress!If you would like Word to upload pictures for you, we can set that up by clicking the Picture Options button.


5.The Picture Options dialog is a little tricky, so pay attention! You can choose to have Word publish images to directly to you blog provider (think a account) or to your server (if you or a host is serving your site). I’m hosting this site, so I chose the My own server option[1]. In the Upload URL text box, type in the address as so: ftp://username:[email protected]/folder. So, let’s say that this is your information:

  • WordPress Username: Bob
  • WordPress Password: monkey123
  • WordPress URL:
  • Folder: images

Then you would type: ftp://bob:[email protected]/images – notice the colon between the username and password and that there is not “http://” in the URL.

And the source would read: http://

If you upload your images to the default location (from within posts), you can set that up as: ftp://user:[email protected]/full/path/to/wp-content/uploads
And the Source URL would be


  1. Click OK and you’re all done!

Create Your First Blog Entry

Now, you can see the Ribbon has changed to blogging mode! You can Publish, Publish as draft, Insert your categories (yep, it will download all of your categories!) [2], Open existing posts, set up new blogs and even insert HTML objects like pictures, links, charts and so much more! You can even create drop shadows and other image effects!


After you are done, you can simply click the Publish button and your post will be live!


If you want to take advantage of WordPress’s Time Stamp feature, publish the post as a draft and then go online and set the time and publish it from there!

[1] The problem with having Word upload your images, is that it names the images in this format: date_postid_description.ext. For example an image would be called 070207_Word_1.gif and Word tries to optimize the images before uploading them and can make them look too lossy. It would be nice to be able to configure the image quality, but you can’t have it all! 🙂

[2] To set more the one category, click the Insert Category button again.

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